Question One:
What kinds of coffee valve Color Suns mainly produce now ?
Answer One:
Question Two:
Which two kinds of coffee valve Color Suns is selling now ?
Answer Two:
1.CS01—Coffee Valve with filter, mainly used for coffee powder.
2.CS02—Coffee Valve without filter, mainly used for coffee bean.
Question Three:
What is the mainly difference with this two kinds of coffee valve ?
Answer Three:
1.CS01—Coffee Valve with filter, mainly used for coffee powder. It have one piece of filter on the coffee valve, it mainly used for keep the coffee powder fresh and aroma. The coffee powder would not get into the coffee valve which maybe effect the function of the coffee valve.
2.CS02-- Coffee Valve without filter, mainly used for coffee bean. Some of our clients only used the coffee bag to pack the roasted coffee bean, so they mainly used the coffee valve without filter that is enough.
Question Four:
Why we need to use the coffee valve on our coffee package ?
Answer Four:
After the coffee bean have been roasted, they are very hot, and some of roaster will let them release the CO2 for a few days, but even though you let them release the co2 for a few days, the coffee still will release little co2 after you packed them into the coffee package. Now, your coffee package must keep on releasing the co2 outside the coffee package by this one way coffee valve.
Question Five:
The Speed of two kinds of valve applicator machine ?
Answer Five:
CSM02 is faster than CSM01, Because the vibration plate can help you save one step of putting the one way valve on the machine.
Question Six:
If we don’t use the coffee valve in our coffee package, what will happen ?
Answer Six:
1.Your coffee package will pop! If the CO2 full of your coffee package, how did this co2 release from the coffee package ? Looks like the picture, it will full of the co2 , and then it maybe will pop! And all your bag’s coffee bean will be wasted!
2.If the co2 in your coffee package have not full of your coffee package, it maybe would not happy the pop case which maybe break your coffee package and wasted your coffee bean or coffee powder.
But you can think that the co2 in your coffee bag, what will happen ? It will make your coffee bean or coffee powder oxidation by this little co2.
Question Seven:
How does this small plastic coffee valve run ?
Answer Seven:
Color Suns coffee valve also called one way valve or one way degassing valve. Why we called it one way ?
It means that the coffee valve only can release the co2 outside the coffee package, and would not let the outside air getting into your coffee package!
All our Color Suns one way coffee valve have the open pressure: 2.3-5.5mbar.
It means that while the inside co2 arrival 2.3-5.5mbar, Color Suns coffee valve will open the pressure, and begin to release the co2 outside the coffee package.
But we need to keep some coffee aroma into the coffee package, that can let your customer who want to buy the coffee from supper market or coffee shop which can smell the coffee aroma from the Color Suns coffee valve.
So the Color Suns coffee valve will have the close pressure: less than 2mbar.
It means that while the inside co2 less than 2mbar, Color Suns coffee valve will close the function of releasing co2. And keep the coffee aroma into the coffee package.
And then your clients can know whether this bag of coffee fresh or not during this small one way coffee valve.
Question Eight:
How many kinds of coffee valve in the market ?
Answer Eight:
There are so many different size of coffee valve in the market, they are all the some function, and target: Keep your coffee fresh and aroma.
Color Suns one way coffee valve ‘s target are the same with all our competitive, to keep all your coffee fresh and aroma, and let your clients tasted the original coffee aroma after your roasted them.
Question Nine:
How to install this small plastic coffee valve or one way valve into the coffee package ?
Answer Nine:
One unit of valve applicator machine , you can install the one way coffee valve into the coffee package very easily! You can know this valve applicator machine from below link:
Question Ten:
If I buy the Color Suns One Way Coffee Valve, How long I can get it ?
And How much of one piece of coffee valve from Color Suns ?
Answer Ten:
We can confirm with you that the lead time for the COLOR SUNS ONE WAY VALVE is : 1-3 days against payment! We have enough coffee valve at our factory store, once you confirm the order and pay it, we can send the valve at the same time, we just need some time to prepare the document and pack the valves.
For true, one piece of coffee valve isn’t too large value, but it is really very big function and keep you one bag of coffee fresh and aroma. And prevent the coffee bag breaking or wasted your coffee bean.
If you really want to know how much is one pieces of coffee valve from Color Suns, feel free to contact with our professional staff: